Registration is open – Register Now!

We are delighted to announce that registration for the SuTra2024 conference is now open. The conference will take place from September 26th to 28th, 2024, at Terme Sveti Martin, Croatia. This international event focuses on sustainable transport and brings together experts from academia, industry, and the public sector to discuss solutions for reducing the negative impact of transport systems on the environment.

Register now to secure your spot at this important conference!

The Third Announcement and Deadline Extension for Abstract Submition

The Second International Conference on SUstainable TRAnsport (SuTra), organised by the University North (Koprivnica, Croatia) and the Faculty of Maritime Studies (University of Rijeka, Croatia), invite you to join us this September. SuTra 2024 conference provides a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and the latest research in the field of sustainable transport. Our goals are to encourage multidisciplinary discussions and improve understanding of key challenges and opportunities in this area. We invite authors to submit their abstracts and become part of this important event. In this call, we inform you that the deadline for abstract submition has been extended to June 15, and the deadline for notification of acceptance to June 30. Abstract submissions can made through the official website of the conference Detailed instructions for submitting works are available on the website.

Copyright SuTra Conference 2025